My professor told me today that I write really well. YAY! I guess I can thank all my "unnecessarily long emails" for all the practice that I get. And NO I never get sick of being complimented on my writing (especially because I don't consider it to be all that good myself). Nevertheless I obviously have a passion for words - and LOTS of them :)
My feet are in every kind of pain. Those little pins and needles you get from standing too long, heel spurs from walking too much in shoes that I'm literally wearing down, blisters on top of blisters on top of blisters, in-grown toenails and dry cracked heels. Sad thing is, I'm FINALLY starting to like this place - it's growing on me afterall. I still don't want to live here in Paris, but hand it to me to fall in love just before I leave - HA! (with the city people - with the CITY - don't get your hopes up.... although my perfect parisian specimen flashes me smiles all the time and comes to chat me up randomly so I try to control the urge to become a total fool around him *insert silly girlish giggle here* - oh yes he is THAT beautiful and FRENCH! - I tried to get a picture... but I'm not so stealthy - next week for sure during our farewell dinner!) Anyways...FOCUS AMY! Yeah, Paris isn't SO bad... and if it wasn't 500 degrees everyday it would probably be quite enjoyable. Not to mention watching the sunset at the top of the Eiffel Tower (after climbing it with my schoolbag, purse, sandals and a white dress in 30 degree weather) is definitely worth the 8.50E. Climbing it with friends is that much better. That's right FRIENDS! Can you believe it? I mean don't get me wrong, Moo is GREAT company but he's not much of a talker...
Everyday I seem to change my mind. I was so disheartened when I got to Paris because I missed Antibes so much that I wasn't open to enjoying everything Paris has to offer, then I was tired all the time and just wanted to come home and now I'm FINALLY loving it here and dare I say it - not want to go home? I mean this lifestyle is ridiculous and unsustainable and I love routine way too much to ever become a professional globetrotter but if I could be sedentary for an extended period of time, I would have no problems making the transatlantic move.
That being said - as AWESOME as Europe is - it's NO CANADA! I miss my big beautiful and EMPTY country - and days that aren't 4 weeks long. NO JOKE - it feels like I went to Normandy last month, not 2 days ago - time STANDS STILL!
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