Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Practicing ATTACK with Lady Liberty and the Sounds of Summer in Paris (Adventures with MooReece con't)

It's currently 4:36 pm and I'm sitting in the park outside the Cathedral Notre-Dame. There is a little stage with an all-girls choir singing Can You Feel the Love Tonight behind me and an shirtless electric band playing movie scores on the bridge across from me. It's quite a unique blend of sound. Sure it all gets drowned out when the jets and copters fly overhead in preparation for next week's big celebration. Seeing those big birds in the sky has got me all jacked for the Bastille Day parade, air show and fireworks. Let's see how the French celebrate their national holiday.

My class this month is quite a bit more INTENSIVE than my class in Antibes which required no effort on my part other than showing up. This month I have a midterm next Tuesday, daily homework and SKETCHES (yes SKETCHES), a term paper due on the 22nd I think and a final exam on my last day! OY OY OY! So much for a nice leisurely stay in Paris. I'll be spending more time at Centre Pompidou than anywhere else. That's ok though - it will prepare me for my return to academic studies. On the upside, we only spend about 1 hour of our 3 hour class inside the classroom, we then head out "ON SITE" where we receive a much more in-depth explanation of the architecture and history behind some of the most famous buildings in Paris. Our professor is an ENDLESS wealth of knowledge on the subject - it's kind of rediculous what she knows about just Notre Dame (which we visited today - hence my sitting here now) the fact that she knows this much and MORE about Lord knows how many buildings, monuments etc is beyond impressive. The class is like a super intense guided tour with homework (YUCK!)

Now the choir is singing MJs "You are not alone" - no offence to them they are performing quite boring renditions. They should think about collaborating with those guys on the bridge - THAT would be a show!

Perfect day weatherwise in Paris today - I'm wearing jeans for the first time in 6 weeks! My head is much better now, the swelling has gone down but now my stomach is hating me and while going for my run in the Jardin Luxembourg this morning I somehow managed to pull something in a region that noone likes to get pulled. Needless to say I'm walking funny.

I have to go over to Sainte-Chapelle (down the street somewhere) for my homework assignment. I want to get my pictures so I don't have to come back. Of course I forgot my pencil case somehow and so I can't take notes until I get home tonight - hopefully my memory will serve me well. On tomorrow's agenda either a French movie or maybe mass at Sacre Coeur (also the topic of my 15 page term paper due in 2.5 weeks). LUCKY ME! I best get my ever growing posterior into high gear! (I might not have time to blog anymore...GASP!)

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